
Serving Size 3 (3330g)
Servings Per Container 26

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Music 80%
Generation Asthma 35%
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* Page fact values are based on a diet of watching Can films 24 hours, 7 days a week until you're awesome.

61 72 74 68 75 72 6e 6f 6d 69 63 73

Composed: October 2009 - Phil

"Read Carefully" - Download song | Download sheet music

This was an assignment I had to do for a percussion education course. Had to compose a piece using seven specific instruments for four players. Sheet music is provided so you can play it with your friends!

Recorded: July 2006 - Phil

A cover of Dialogue With the Stars by In Flames.

Recorded: 200? - Phil, but Derek also had something to do with it

The beta version of our strange cover to Coldplay's "The Scientist"

Recorded: 2003(?) - Phil

A short rendition of the "King of the Hill" theme song.

Recorded: December 2005 - Phil

"Violate" by Iced Earth, minus vocals and bass.

Recorded: Early 2005 (guitars); October 2005 (vocals) - Phil

"A Whole New World" from Aladdin! Punk/metal version + vocals.

Recorded: 2003 (guitars); October 2005 (vocals) - Phil

Iron Maiden's "The Trooper". Guitars + humourous vocals only.

Recorded: September 2005 - Phil

The solo from Pink Floyd's "Money"

Recorded: July 2005 - Phil

The solos from Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb"

Recorded: July 2005 - Derek & Phil

Prince Ali, from Aladdin! Derek singing, Phil on piano.

Posted: May 3, 2005 | Recorded: 2003 - Phil

Star Bucket

March 25, 2005 - Derek


February 26, 2005 - Phil

Originally For a Queen

November 2004 - Derek

The Arthurnomics Song