In this episode, we forgo some wide words from Jude, and replace them with wise business advice from Reggie! He teaches us how to properly market asparagus and black bean sauce, and about the positives of having a storefront right on the street! We also finally decide what our podcast will be about! Hope you like the colour red!
Serving Size 4 (4987g)
Servings Per Container 18
* Page fact values are based on a diet of watching Can films 24 hours, 7 days a week until you're awesome.

Podcast #150 – Tried the Trek
In this podcast we get real nerdy and FINALLY talk about something other than Dragon Ball Z! You’ll have to listen to find out! We also reconnect with our 90s roots, solve world hunger, get super woke, discover some interesting music copyright infringement, and explain why hair is ruining the new Lord of the Rings show.
Podcast #149 – The Gummy Void
We made it to the new year! This month we talk about past injuries, how much we love The Rock, how much we loved The Matrix Resurrections, how much we love that Spider-Man can just magic his way out of any situation, Chris goes on a wild trip, and Jude gives us sound advice to follow for this year.
Podcast #148 – With Cheese or Chocolate
This month, we discuss how DISAPPOINTED we are in Jude for not seeing Dune, Phil regales us with the story of the infamous Dune snorter, and Chris dishes on what food is good with either cheese or chocolate (HINT: It’s all of them). Oh, and we also spoil Squid Game at some point, but nobody likes that show anyway so who cares.
Podcast #147 – We’re All Seeing Dune in IMAX
We did it, everyone. We defeated Covid! So now we’re back in the studio, closer in distance than ever, and as vaccinated as humanly possible! A long absence creates an even longer podcast (SORRY!), where we discuss our incorrect knowledge of Lord of the Rings dragons, the value of seeing films in IMAX, 1995 movies about the internet, and hollow Earth theory!
Podcast #146 – OOF
Podcast time again! This month we take a trip into Roblox land where we learn what’s it like to be Spider-Man, and test Chris and Jude’s knowledge of anime.
Podcast #145 – XBSXVSPS5
After a long haitus, we return on the eve of a second COVID lockdown! But fear not, we have XBSX and PS5 to keep us sane! Jude and Chris give us the rundown on the next generation of Microsoft and Sony’s little experiment in gaming, by showing us…Tetris? And an old pirate game? And non-Peter Parker Spider-Man? Off to a good start!
Late updates!
Late updates! Blame it on the pandemic! We had podcasts 143 and 144 go up the past two months on YouTube, continuing our temporary tradition of playing some games online while we cast.
Hey! We have some non-podcast content for once! During all this downtime, I decided to go back to a couple of old song ideas and finish them up. Check out The Ronjon Collection on our Bandcamp page! The first two are the new tracks, the last two are old ones and just collected here as part of my non-video related personal music. Including the theme song to Chris’ old Viral Sugar Podcast!
I’m not sure if we ever even mentioned the Bandcamp page before, but pretty much all of our original music from past videos are collected there in two volumes, along with our strange EP from the now defunct band Generation Asthma! Now you can create adrenaline pumping workout playlists using our Birthmonth raps! Or sing away your friends’ smoking habits with the Ashby soundtrack! Check it out!
Podcast(?) #142 – Sik Chair Trik
Whoa, it’s a video podcast! Or Let’s Play? Online friend hangout session? I don’t know, we play Dauntless and occasionally talk about stuff!