Serving Size 8 (3814g)
Servings Per Container 18
* Page fact values are based on a diet of watching Can films 24 hours, 7 days a week until you're awesome.
Monthly Archives: July 2011
Casting Spells and Pods
Check out Cancast #60! Sixty? Time to retire, just like Harry Pottchy. Prince fought in World War II on his purple motorcycle. Low Budget Star Wars saga complete! San Diego adventures, Weird Al in the flesh, and other travels. A … Continue reading
Captain America
Forget Captain America, you’ll see him in The Avengers next year! Watch Low Budget Star Wars Episode III bloopers instead! It’s the last of Low Budget Star Wars, after all. “Don’t cry, Anakin, just take a deep breath.” Check it … Continue reading
Blast from the past!
Hello from several months ago! I found this video locked up in our archives. I can’t make heads of tails of it, but it looks to be “bloopers” from an old video called “Low Budget Star Wars Episode II – … Continue reading
Low Budget Revenge of the Sith!
The long-awaited ending to our Low Budget Star Wars saga is here! We hope, at the very least, it lives up to the greatness of the movie it mimics. We also hope it’s a satisfying conclusion to our series! Revenge … Continue reading
Welcome to the new Can of Nothing!
Unfortunately the can we had got kind of old and smelly, so we went ahead and opened up a new one! Well actually, we hired Justin B. Evans to do it for us, because we’re totally rich. But it seems … Continue reading
Welcome… to Can of Nothing!
Can of Nothing and welcome to you! Anything is possible… at Can of Nothing… The only limit is yourself. Please pardon are zombo dust as we launch this newfangled thing today!