Serving Size 5 (129g)
Servings Per Container 38
* Page fact values are based on a diet of watching Can films 24 hours, 7 days a week until you're awesome.
Category Archives: Podcast
Podcast #115! Or is it 116?
Our very first leap year podcast! And we mess it up! This month we finally fill up the SD card in our recorder, and it happens in the middle of the podcast! Intermission time! Then we come back stronger than … Continue reading
Podcast #70
Welcome back to the Can of Nothing podcast! This month we eat a lot of good snacks and feel pretty good about it. We should also be set up for some delicious podcast streaming, so look below for that if … Continue reading
Podcast #69
The latest Can of Nothing podcast is here! We still can’t find Derek, so it’s just Phil and Chris again. Listen to us talk about our latest video “Let’s Go to Anime North,” our excitement for Anime North, and finding … Continue reading