Another late update to the site! Apologies to the web site gods. If you haven’t already, check out the video we posted on YouTube two weeks ago about the latest Dragonball Z movie Battle of Gods! Help us get FUNimation to realize the grim future we have in store for us if they don’t release it in D-Box next month. Oh, and weird things came up so possibly no podcast this month. Sorry! I guess we’re just stretching out the countdown to podcast 100. We’ll get there eventually!
Serving Size 8 (1835g)
Servings Per Container 49
* Page fact values are based on a diet of watching Can films 24 hours, 7 days a week until you're awesome.

Podcast #95 – JOSE BAUTISTA
This podcast is brought to you by Tomodachi Life, Booster Juice and Jose Bautista! “It’s in the game!” Check out Podcast #95, where we talk about our newest sponsors, history according to X-Men, why they killed off the cast of GI Joe, and whether or not Brad Pitt has the choice to grow his hair out for movies. Download it on the podcast page here, or stream it at the bottom of this post!
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Podcast #94!!!
Wow, with Mario Kart 8 on deck and anticipation for Ultra Street Fighter IV, I almost forgot about this! Here’s podcast #94 for your listening pleasure! Download it on the podcast page or stream it at the bottom of this post.
Also, don’t forget to share our very first video advertisement with your friends and family. Let them know what we’re all about!
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Keeping up to the beat!
It’s been a long time since our last podcast, so here’s another one to help you keep up to the beat with what’s been going on with us! Download Podcast #93, or stream it at the bottom of this post! We talk about lots of crazy people in this one, from Kevin Bacon to Gary Shandling to Jude Pinto to every relevant Asian actor!
We also put out another video (which we talk about in the podcast, so watch this first) where we dissect all the new changes coming in Ultra Street Fighter IV! Help us get Capcom to notice it! All we want to do is be a part of the community and help out newer players.
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Real Talk: Akira
We’re pretty hardcore Akira fans here at The Can of Nothing, so we’ve got some beef to grind with the proposed live action Akira film. Even though they’re not making it anymore. It’s just that infuriating!
Podcast #92 & Some Other Stuff!
Come listen to our pre-Shamrock Shake podcast! This month we keep it simple, keep it safe. We scrutinize the web site of our favourite online comedy gang, talk about donating to Kickstarter campaigns, discuss our movie industry inspired conspiracy theory for that missing airplane everyone is talking about, and try to explain the confusing timeline of the new 300 movie. Stream it at the bottom of this post or download it on the podcast page!
Also, if you haven’t seen it yet, we put out a video late last month with our detailed plans on how to get more views for our videos. Not surprisingly, this video has not gotten many views. But I’m sure it’ll help the next video get a lot!
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Podcast #91!
Bored on a Thursday morning/afternoon? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Come on over and check out podcast #91, where we talk about Dragonball, our YouTube presence, and adventures in translating things on Altavista! You can stream it at the bottom of this post, or download it here. We’ll also be back by the end of the month with a new video, which we also kind of talk about in this podcast. So listen to it for a sneak preview.
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Extended Techno
Tiny, tiny update that probably no one cares about, but hey, content! So I just uploaded a longer cut of the song “Welcome to Techno” on our Can of Nothing Soundtrack page on Bandcamp. More than twice as long! After finally reinstalling Reason, I got access to the original recordings of my old music, so I was able to get the full version of this song. Enjoy! For free!
Open your ears, Poncey!
Hello friends! Back during the Derek era we used to be well-versed in the language of music. We wrote quite a few tracks for our own videos (solely for the purpose of being able to earn revenue for our videos, of course), and also started a musical duo called Generation Asthma. The Generation Asthma stuff has been available before, but the site went down quite a while back. And I know someone out there has been dying to listen to our original scores outside of the context of the videos they were created for. So for your listening pleasure, I set up a Can of Nothing Bandcamp page where you can find all the Generation Asthma stuff again, as well as all the music written for the live action videos. I’ve contacted Derek, and we’re going to try to put together a second volume with the music he did for the animations.
The Can of Nothing on Bandcamp!
Everything is there for free, and the original score album is set up with a creative commons license that gives you permission to use it wherever you want! Not that a different license would stop you from doing it anyway, but now at least it’s official. We didn’t set up the same license for the Generation Asthma stuff, but again, I have no control over what you guys do! You can also purchase the full albums or individual tracks for however much you like. That’s totally up to you! Oh, and it’ll ask you to “buy” the album to download it. Just put in a $0 value if you want it free.
So put aside whatever you had planned for tonight and take a listen!
Podcast #90!
Hello! Due to unforseen circumstances, Chris and I were not able to get together to podcast this month. Instead, we did a live one using Google Hangouts! Did you miss it? Probably. But you can watch it in its un-live format down below! Or just listen to it, because only Chris had a web cam and most of the time he’s just sitting there. But he does show off some cool anime figs, so…maybe watch it? I don’t know. Be a grown up, make a choice.