Batty Call
Serving Size 6 (2777g)
Servings Per Container 4
Amounts Per Serving | %DV |
Animations | 52% |
Short Films | 97% |
Series | 96% |
Miscellaneous | 85% |
Oblivion Bin | 29% |
Filmography | 96% |
Social Media Vitamins | %DV |
YouTube | 33% |
33% | |
33% |
* Page fact values are based on a diet of watching Can films 24 hours, 7 days a week until you're awesome.
Batty Call
Written/Directed by: Derek
Starring: Phil, Rebecca, Derek
Everybody wants Batbooty
Watch with audio commentary by Phil and Derek
Commentary by Derek:
When I was setting up the new Writely file for the second episode of Batman: What's Yours is Mine, I just started typing some nonsense Batman / Poison Ivy dialogue for fun. I thought it had some potential, so I expanded it into Batty Call! Wowzon! At first it was going to be very brief, so I thought I'd up the detail in the drawing... but then I kept writing... and it started becoming too much work, so I got lazy in a few areas... using the same shots over again and so forth... ah well.
From both a writing and illustrating perspective, this was sort of a step in a different direction. Firstly, it's pretty slow
and nothing really happens. I somewhat enjoyed the change of pace, but prefer having a plot and action and so forth.
It's also very in-jokey, something I tried to avoid with Subcultured. Geeky stuff. If you don't get it, you are
not geek enough and don't belong here. Jock! ... I'm sorry. Er, and second, it has a fake "jumpy-line" look that is
significantly less work but doesn't look quite as nice.
Oh! This is also the first time I had a real female voice actor! Ms. Kagome did excellent work, and if you're interested
in requesting her services, stop by her site. On the topic of voiceage, Phil was great as usual, capturing the two Batman
voices nicely, and adlibbing along the way. I'm not satisfied with my Two Face but whatever.
Anyway, I'm fairly happy with the end result. SDjopaijoa;flaw;oifja