Full House: Outh Cweam

Serving Size 7 (4052g)
Servings Per Container 42

Amounts Per Serving %DV
Animations 11%
Short Films 9%
Series 77%
Miscellaneous 72%
Oblivion Bin 52%
Filmography 100%
Social Media Vitamins %DV
YouTube 33%
Facebook 33%
Twitter 33%

* Page fact values are based on a diet of watching Can films 24 hours, 7 days a week until you're awesome.

61 72 74 68 75 72 6e 6f 6d 69 63 73

Full House: Outh Cweam

Written/Directed by: Phil
Starring: John Stamos, Mary Kate Olsen

Remember when Michelle always wanted ice cream? And she pronounced it outh cweam? That was a funny episode.

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Length: 1 minute 15 seconds


Commentary from Phil:

This was my favourite scene from my favourite show. It was a little known fact that John Stamos was, in fact, a mutant, and the show ended because his mutation grew out of control. The two-part finale about Michelle losing her memory was done to take focus off of Uncle Jesse so John Stamos didn't have to be in the scenes very much. This video pays homage to his earlier mutant abilities, and the anger he would later feel from having to live in a world and protect the people that fear and hate him.