Pome Brio

Serving Size 7 (521g)
Servings Per Container 17

Amounts Per Serving %DV
Animations 88%
Short Films 28%
Series 67%
Miscellaneous 91%
Oblivion Bin 55%
Filmography 55%
Social Media Vitamins %DV
YouTube 33%
Facebook 33%
Twitter 33%

* Page fact values are based on a diet of watching Can films 24 hours, 7 days a week until you're awesome.

61 72 74 68 75 72 6e 6f 6d 69 63 73

Trashimation Theatre: Pome Brio

Written/Directed by: Derek
Starring: Derek

The story of a young boy who gains the ultimate power: that of being an apple. A brief semi-spoof of Spider-Man.

Download the video!
Length: 4 minutes, 25 seconds


Commentary by Derek

Pome = The family of fruit apples belong to. Kind of.
Brio = Vigor, energy, zest.

This one faced a difficult birth. Pokemon was the first of my projects that had some exposure outside of our own social circle, and for the most part, people enjoyed it. So not long after, the trouble of "what next" came up. The style of Pokemon's humor was ridiculously random, and more "gag" like than anything that had preceded it.

I started Pome Brio with the same mindset, but found I didn't really want to do Pokemon over again, not yet. So instead, I took some time to write a script (which I hadn't done for Pokemon.) I wanted there to be just a little more focus on humor through dialogue or "smarter" gags. Anyway, I had it 70% finished a few weeks after Pokemon was done, but I don't know, something wasn't clicking and I left it to die and decay with the rotting corpse of Beast Wars Episode 3.

A handful of months later, Pome Brio was resurrected, completed in a night, and released. I suppose I didn't like the idea of having expectations set after Pokemon, so I separated the projects in the timescape. Regardless, I still have issues with it, such as George's voice, which I loathe, but not enough to overcome my laziness in not redoing it.

Fast Facts:
- Drawn in Painter 7, rather than Photoshop (Pokemon)
- I've been drawing 'apple people' since mid-elementary school
- I used to draw a terrible comic called "Apple Guardians"
- Pome Brio was originally called 'Unstopapple' but I decided that was stupid.
- Worf says "We are Klingons! Happy Birthday!" I think