Power Rangers

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Oblivion Bin 35%
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Social Media Vitamins %DV
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61 72 74 68 75 72 6e 6f 6d 69 63 73

Trashimation Theatre: Power Rangers

Written/Directed by: Derek Achoy
Starring: Phil, Robyn Seto, Derek Achoy

Download the video!
Length: 10 minutes



Alternate/Deleted Scenes
2005 Version Preview


Derek's Commentary:

This one was on my to-do list for a long time. A nearly complete script had been sitting on the backburner since 2005, waiting for Trashilove, but alas, no joomies for Pow-Pow. Until now. Or rather, late November 2007, when I practically rewrote the whole thing anyway and set off on my first voyage of Trashimation spoofdom since last December's Beauty & the Beast. Pokemon was also done in a December. Tradition time? Maybe! No. Yes?

Anyway, this baby marks the debut of new voice actress Robyn Seto from the mystic land of California. I worked a little more closely with her than with Azure and Kagome, not because she neeeded "help", but because I felt more comfortable directing and generally talking to someone who was actually volunteering to be in the thing. That said, for the most part, it was still left up to her on how to read the lines, and she did a fantastic job. To get a girl on board who actually knows what the site's about was always a side-objective of mine, but I never really expected it to happen. But it has! Whether this is the first of many collaborations or she retires early, it's good to know that such a person can exist.

But let's not gloss over Trashimation mainstay Phil. I know I always throw in the usual sentence or two of praise, and maybe you're tired of that, but hey, 'dis ship wouldn't float without him. He does funny reads, several roles, and pulls out some of my favourite ad-libs ever ("My Power Nightie!").
So, thank you as always, ol' buddy.

I don't have much to say about the animation or writing. I'm worn out right now. Don't want to think about it. As usual, I've heard and seen these jokes 50+ times in my animating and rewriting process, and now am utterly clueless about what works and what doesn't. It's funny how that happens.

In conclusion... enjoy! Or not. But if you do, don't ask for a sequel.