Subcultured 1

Serving Size 8 (6438g)
Servings Per Container 19

Amounts Per Serving %DV
Animations 74%
Short Films 68%
Series 59%
Miscellaneous 70%
Oblivion Bin 60%
Filmography 37%
Social Media Vitamins %DV
YouTube 33%
Facebook 33%
Twitter 33%

* Page fact values are based on a diet of watching Can films 24 hours, 7 days a week until you're awesome.

61 72 74 68 75 72 6e 6f 6d 69 63 73

Subcultured 1: Jesus Is A Black Man

Starring: Phil, Derek

Subcultured! The first Trashimation original series. Watch incompetent police officers Charlie and Keith meet chinese immigrants from outer space and then investigate the world's greatest mystery... is Jesus a black man?!

Download the video!
Length: 8 minutes


- Jesus is a Black Man MP3


Derek's commentary:

It took a very long time for Subcultured to evolve into what it became. Somewhere late-2005 I had the idea to make a web-comic... except in video form! So there'd be like a small, 30 second trashimation every other week or something. I started writing, brewed up some ideas, and even nearly completed the first one. But, as I often do, I lost faith in the project. Or its form, rather. So then I tackled it as a regular web-comic.

That didn't work either. I found it too... static.

I was getting frustrated, but during all of this, I was actually creating a foundation for an original series. By about early January 06, I had a vault of characters, plotlines, one-liners, and other random assets. I eventually recognized this and finally started writing it as a normal series. The script came together very naturally, and I'm mostly happy with it.

Phil was the first to see the script. He was originally going to play a character in the "web-comic/movie" version, and even recorded some lines, but that character no longer existed, so I gave him the role of Keith. He did an awesome job with it; the recording session was a lot of fun. Believe it or not, this was the first time I'd given a primary role to another voice actor, and also the first time I was there to direct while he recorded. The rest of the voices are done by me. Charlie's hurts. Chang Junior has a pseudo-Trinidadian accent
in case you were wondering what that was.

The rap started off as something very simple - just the "Hey Jesus tell my friend that you a black man" verse, but my obsession with meter poems and slant rhymes made me expand it.
Phil is the music man around here, so I asked him to come up with some beats and to actually put the thing together. Good golly! It's very satisfying to hear the final product, despite my lack
of rapping skill.

Each Trashimation to date has looked a little different (or for EISITOSW, a lot different) but I have a feeling I found a nice balance in Subcultured's style.
I think in the future I'd like to put just a little more effort into backgrounds though.

I have plans for a few more episodes at least. I may end up focusing on this exclusively for a while, but I might also take a break and go explore some film stuff again. We'll see what happens, but I want  to avoid the sort of year-long gaps between episodes that have stunted my other series.