Save the Zombies

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Servings Per Container 24

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Series 9%
Miscellaneous 44%
Oblivion Bin 99%
Filmography 91%
Social Media Vitamins %DV
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61 72 74 68 75 72 6e 6f 6d 69 63 73

Save The Zombies

Written/Directed by: Derek
Starring: Phil, Derek

Stop killing them! They were/are people too!

Download the video!
Length: 3 minutes



Phil's score!

Zombie Stroll
Watch out for Flesh


Derek's commentary: 

I've had a long, happy, multi-faceted relationship with Neverwinter Nights. Every now and then I try to come up with module ideas (the game comes with a toolset you can use to make your own wicked rocking adventures) and one I had was a reverse horror type deal where you play as a zombie being hunted by scary humans. That project drowned into limbo like so many of my half-baked ideas, but FAST FORWARD TO THE 2006 and I received a copy of The Movies. With all its out-of-the-box zombie goodness, the project was revived. The engine is both versatile and incredibly limiting, so I had to mess with the script a lot to make sure I could actually do everything.

Phil did the cool, cool music. Some time ago, during a podcast I think, Phil brought up the possibility of doing some original music. He was going to do stuff for another trademark forever-on-the-backburner-trashimation-project, Questers, but since that wasn't really happening, I asked him if he'd score this baby. And yo, he did. It's very, very gnarly; the zombie stroll song is stuck in my head as I write this.

Phil's commentary:

Zimbabwe. the Austro-Hungarian Empire. the Emmys. What do these all have in common? They all have music! And now Save the Zombies can be ranked right up there with the greats. I don't remember if I volunteered to do music for this movie or if Derek bribed me, but either way it happened! And man, what a journey it was! Under 3 minutes of music created over a few months...mind blowing! But seriously, as a music student, it was good experience and I'm glad I had the opportunity. I usually write music mindlessly, but the challenge here was to write something that fit something visual. It was tough coming up with stuff sometimes, so I reached for influence! If you listen closely enough, you might just hear a little bit of Zelda, a little bit of Final Fantasy, and a little bit of Back to the Future mixed with Evil Dead. But they all have that flavourful PHIL TWIST. Meaning they're subpar in comparison to their roots! I hope I helped you to stroll along with those zombies, feel the rush of imminent death (re-death?), and laugh along with the humans after purging the world of the unnecessary!