Alex vs. Arek

Serving Size 8 (8341g)
Servings Per Container 4

Amounts Per Serving %DV
Animations 88%
Short Films 81%
Series 48%
Miscellaneous 13%
Oblivion Bin 66%
Filmography 32%
Social Media Vitamins %DV
YouTube 33%
Facebook 33%
Twitter 33%

* Page fact values are based on a diet of watching Can films 24 hours, 7 days a week until you're awesome.

61 72 74 68 75 72 6e 6f 6d 69 63 73

Alex vs. Arek 1.5

Length: 4:31

Watch with audio commentary...

First of all, you're probably wondering why this one is part 1.5...Well, let me tell you! You see, unlike the super organized and professionally filmed Alex vs. Arek part 1, this video was just done on the fly. We were bored after filming Can Smashing 2.5 and wanted to film something. We figured now would be a good time to start doing Alex vs. Arek part 2, since we had been talking about it for a while. I (Phil) wanted to plan a whole bunch of stuff for it and choreograph some moves, but ultimately we decided to just do some improv on-the-spot filming. We tried to film it properly at first with the bike scenes, but after that if just became me following Alex and Arek around with the camera while they did whatever. And obviously the camera work was kind of shoddy because of that. In the end, it wasn't quite what was envisioned at first, so we turned it into part 1.5, as sort of a filler/teaser of what's to come in the future with this little series. While it is still an entertaining video, the overall quality and presentation of it doesn't really merit it a nice round number in the series. And that's the story behind the decision to make this Alex vs. Arek part 1.5!

Now for the fun trivia facts! This was filmed at the same park as Can Smashing 2.5. Remember the bridge we were under? If you look at the first screenshot above, that bridge is just to the right (though you can't see it). AMAZING! Also, the flat tire Arek mentions about Alex's bike was an actual flat tire that he presumably got from running over the cans (Can Smashing 2.5 again). Some shots of him trying to ride with the flat tire were filmed, but cut from the final video. There were also a lot more bike scenes and stuff with Derek, but they didn't all fit together. That's the price you pay for doing on-the-spot filming! The last thing worth noting is the fighting game stuff I added in. The decision came to me to do this when I was looking at the "finished" video and realized it wouldn't really catch the attention of those outside the Can of Nothing family. So I added in the health bars and all the funny lines you hear in games so spruce the video up a bit. Actually, I still don't know if others would enjoy it, but that's okay! Anyway, I think it turned out better that way, and it's a nice little surprise for fighting game enthusiasts.'s not like it hasn't been done before, but oh well!