Batman: WYIM Episode 1

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Servings Per Container 50

Amounts Per Serving %DV
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Short Films 51%
Series 49%
Miscellaneous 28%
Oblivion Bin 47%
Filmography 22%
Social Media Vitamins %DV
YouTube 33%
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61 72 74 68 75 72 6e 6f 6d 69 63 73

Batman: What's Yours is Mine - Episode 1: Holding on to What's Dear

The Batmobike has been stolen. People are getting killed left and right. Who is to blame...and who will put an end to the madness?!

Starring: Chris Almeda, Phil, Alex Pomorski
Story and Screenplay by: Derek and Phil
Directed by: Phil

Length: 40:46

Watch/download with audio commentary!

Thoughts & Comments || Other Goodies || Screenshots and Wallpapers

Comments from the creators:

Phil: Here it is, after eight months, the first episode of our Batman series! It's unbelievable! I mean, that we actually got it done. If you're a regular reader of my blog, you would've followed a lot of our filming since it began in late May 2006 and finished in early December 2006, but this thing was at least a year in the making, starting with an old script I had lying around that we transformed into this movie. The filming was lots of fun, lots of frustration, but overall pretty rad! Everything we did was pretty much larger in scope, and I think it was a good step towards higher quality productions in the future. I certainly learned a lot from this, seeing as how I took on a couple of different duties as well as giving up some, like camera work. I love camera work, but since I had to act in almost everything here, I got pretty used to Derek doing the cameras for me, as well as the four others who handled one shot or one scene. You all did a great job! This was also Chris' first acting gig with the Can of Nothing, and it was a big one! But he handled it well and I think we created a fairly entertaining dynamic duo for this episode. And who could forget the insidious laughter of Alex? I think it's safe to say his Riddler is among the top Riddler performances ever recorded. And thanks again to everyone who helped out here and there. If we forgot you in the credits, then sorry! Looking forward to episode two!

Derek: Oh, well hey kids, way back on September 29, 2005, we sat down and started talkin' 'bout a new series. Now here it finally is! I got credit for co-directing, editing, writing, and being a camera guy, but really only did the last two. Phil shouldered most of weight for this epic, and really brought project together. It was great fun to watch it grow, and I think we learned many lessons in its production because we pushed our limits in a lot of areas. 'Course we have to stumble a bit to learn anything, and there's some of that too. Writing something so long was a gigantic leap from what we usually do, so you can see our focus drift sometimes. Scheduling troubles led us to needing Chris to run around in a t-shirt in winter weather. And who could forget disastrous Chinatown scene where Phil is Thief and I am Batman for some reason, and we had no idea how to act. BUT, that's part of the joy of doing these things; nothing ever really goes directly according to plan, and then you have to dance around with what you have. Sorta like picking out what jigsaw pieces you can make sense of and trying to stick 'em together. Phil did a great job of it, and I think in end, moments of success outweigh the moments of... 'learning.'

Other Goodies

- Documentary
- "Holding on to What's Dear" trailer!
- Rehearsing some dialogue
- Alternate version of "Chinese Food" scene
- The "Big Boss'" page of villains, plus Epilogue explanation!

