Batman: WYIM Episode 2

Serving Size 6 (6935g)
Servings Per Container 18

Amounts Per Serving %DV
Animations 52%
Short Films 17%
Series 75%
Miscellaneous 5%
Oblivion Bin 3%
Filmography 15%
Social Media Vitamins %DV
YouTube 33%
Facebook 33%
Twitter 33%

* Page fact values are based on a diet of watching Can films 24 hours, 7 days a week until you're awesome.

61 72 74 68 75 72 6e 6f 6d 69 63 73

Batman: What's Yours is Mine - Episode 2: The Game

Batman, unable to deal out the pain on his own, seeks the aid of fellow crime stopper Harvey Dent! But an unfortunate accident causes a switch in partners! Meanwhile, the Big Boss continues to plot against Batman!

Starring: Phil, Chris Almeda, Jorge Burrita

Length: 35:00

Comments from Phil:
We always finish what we start! Almost three years later comes the stunning sequel to our 2006 hit Batman: What's Yours is Mine episode 1 - Holding on to What's Dear! This time with new technology like high definition! This project, while shorter than the previous, was just as demanding, taking more than a whole year to complete. Was it worth it? With all of our experience, new equipment, and a newfound sense of on-set professionalism, I would hesitate to answer: YES. And like any other good sequel, this one's bigger, badder, has more scenes with Michael Caine and even louder throaty grumbling! Yea, this picture doth retain thou noblest of elements of its premiere incarnation, thus privy to thy gallantry and chivalrous exuberance thou hast come to adore in thine own illustrious viewing pleasures to be offered in the court of King Louis of Life With.

We filmed this episode in secret throughout 2008 and early 2009 because usually our huge projects that we announce publicly end up in the gutter and our hype goes to waste. The first one almost didn't make it, and we weren't entirely sure if this one would either. But it did! Big thanks to everyone involved for putting in all the hours again, and to those newcomers who had no idea what to expect but stuck around anyway after realizing we really had no idea what we were doing. Also, big thanks to our unsuspecting public for once again putting up with our sneak attacks and talks of elephants! We sincerely hope you like this one! Should the box office returns show profit, a third may be expected...