Low Budget A New Hope

Serving Size 9 (2986g)
Servings Per Container 17

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Short Films 41%
Series 93%
Miscellaneous 84%
Oblivion Bin 79%
Filmography 22%
Social Media Vitamins %DV
YouTube 33%
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61 72 74 68 75 72 6e 6f 6d 69 63 73

Low Budget Star Wars Episode IV - A New Hope

Imagine if 20th Century Fox didn't give George Lucas the financial support he needed, and Mark Hamill was brain damaged.

Starring: An all-star cast of Hasbro toys (and others)

Length: 9:12

Blooper reel

Comments from Phil:
There really isn't much to say about this. Derek came over, we grabbed a bunch of toys, and then filmed whatever we could remember from the movie. I actually haven't seen the movie in a long time, but thankfully I've watched it enough to not be lost. It was a really fun production, though. You can tell by the laughing heard throughout. Sometimes the cuts were really abrupt because right after doing the lines/actions we would burst out laughing, but the shot was good so I didn't want to reshoot it. Other times, when looking at the footage while editing, I realized how much better the first or second take was, regardless of the laughing in between or during the shot. Keep your ears open for that. It's not hard to miss. Also look out for a cameo by half of my face.

Other interesting facts!

  • The Millennium Falcon was a Super Nintendo because it was just conveniently there when we realized we didn't have one. In earlier shots you can see it in the background with a Mega Man X cartridge.
  • The Lego bucket was also conveniently there, and became very useful. It was used for the Jawa transport, garbage dispatcher, and the cover was Luke's landspeeder as well as a couple of doors.
  • Aunt Beru was a Shmi Skywalker figure. Uncle Owen was a Jurassic Park figure. Biggs was Dick Tracy. The X-Wing was a Transformers ship/base. The Y-Wing was a neon pink dagger. Vader's TIE Fighter was the Batmobile. The Tantive IV (Leia's ship) was the Ninja Turtle van. The Death Star was a plush ball from the University of Toronto book store. Voice work alternated depending on whoever happened to chime in first. This was filmed in the exact same location as Low Budget Empire Strikes Back! It also features a very similar shot when Threepio and Artoo's escape pod lands on Tatooine.