Thoughts Without Words

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Thoughts Without Words

Starring Derek Achoy, Phil, unsuspecting university students
Directed by Phil
Music by Shadows Fall

Length: 4:51

Read the breakdown of the video shots and lyrics


Commentary from Phil:

Okay, I really recommend reading what this is all about before watching it. I guess that's sort of necessary before watching anything we have under the Edutainment category, even though Materialism and Arthurnomics don't really have explanations. But I have one for this video. This was an assignment I did for my class called Inquiries Into Schooling, which is We have these three "big ideas" that we talk about; Schooling as Induction, Schooling as Growth, and Schooling as Transformation. This video is about Schooling as Transformation, which basically is about how education can be changed to become better. Apparently we need to be "progressive." For example, instead of the teacher just standing in front of the classroom and lecturing, it would be "progressive" to have the class be more involved. School should be a worthwhile experience and not just something you do in order to get a good job! So this song tends to be more about doing away with the old forms of education, and I tried to depict this a little literally with my shots. You can read more in depth about how I interpreted the lyrics and applied visuals to it in the breakdown further up this page. I wrote that up as part of my assignment as well, to be handed in to my professor, so I guess it's...good. I don't think it's very difficult to follow the lyrics and make the connection to the visuals, but it's a lot easier once you have this little bit of background information about my topic. All you need to know is that it's about doing away with traditional education. Oh, and my class seemed to like it. My professor even asked to keep the DVD to show her colleagues. So that was cool.

On the production side, this was a really intensive shoot. Derek and I met up at school and managed to find an empty classroom where we filmed a lot of this. That's why Derek's always alone in these shots with a bunch of empty chairs behind him. I snuck my camera into one of my classes as well and filmed some stuff (like my friend Colin who was all frustrated), but most of that was garbage because it was just the backs of people. The best part of this filming, though, was the band shots, where me and Derek tried to act all hardcore. I listen to this kind of music all the time, but even I don't have the attitude to go with it. So that was fun trying to look cool. We were both in a lot of pain from the headbanging, though.