Got something on your mind that you need to get out? Need to give your opinion on an issue? Well, that's just TOO BAD, fool. Keep your own problems up in your own mind. This is where Majin Vejita (if he wants to) and I get to rant. And Danny boy.

Yes, just like any other ordinary folk, we at The Can of Nothing have things we would like to "rant" about. Basically, anything bad or stupid that happens in our lives will be readable here; and anything else that we feel is bad or stupid will be readable here. We would like to share our deepest feelings and opinions on these things and others with you through this particular page. Expect the unexpected.

The Rants...

- GunDAMN!
- Time for Tele-bye bye!
- Oh no! Map Upside Down! (Rant on 9/11 news coverage. Removed for your own safety. Actually...I lost it.)
- Damn the Number 8!