Serving Size 1 (9766g)
Servings Per Container 17
* Page fact values are based on a diet of watching Can films 24 hours, 7 days a week until you're awesome.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Forgotten Treasures
I was cleaning out my hard drive today and found a folder full of a bunch of photos from some past Can of Nothing events. You can find them on that old Flickr account we made a long time ago. … Continue reading
Do you think you know how to play video games? Well, think again. FYI, IRL they’re played like this: Happy new year IRL!
Podcast #65 – Madison’s Hats and High Fives
It’s Christmas time, so come and celebrate with the most festive site on the net! In this podcast we put up a string of Christmas lights. We were so excited about it being a Christmas podcast that we totally forgot … Continue reading
Try and Try Again
New film! Just something short and simple that I had to do for school. Shot on real film! The stuff you can cut with scissors! We’ll be back later this month with our Christmas podcast, and maybe another video before … Continue reading
CoN Podcast #64: Delectable Swirl-Twists Like In That Movie Charlie’s Angels
Listen! Chris drops by in his ice cream truck to teach Phil and Derek about not running over children and how to play video games properly! An old batty rattles in his tomb, and someone gets a game with a ramp … Continue reading
One for you and one for you
HELLO. And welcome. A gypsy once predicted a dystopic future where October 2011 ended without so much as a peep from what she could only describe as an empty, blackened food container. A “can of nothing,” if you will. It … Continue reading
Cancast 62: Nathaniel de la Cruz and Paul Wong Bring You To Happy Show
Check it! Starry blu skies and wars can’t hold back the unboxed wizadry of birthmonths. We stay in school forever. FanExpo was a lot like FanExpo, besides special bathroom encounters. A kind e-mail warms our hearts and our lunches for … Continue reading
Birthmonth Video 2011
You asked for it, so you got it! Here’s this year’s birthmonth video! It’s shorter than usual (and still longer than we’d like), but it’s full of more heart and quality than ever before! Be sure to pay close attention … Continue reading
Podcast #61 – Science Experiment
It’s that time of year again! Feat your eyes on what is probably the tastiest, messiest, artery cloggingest podcast we’ve ever produced. We also talk about our frustrating film challenge, Victor Lucas over exposure, and have a few special guests … Continue reading
The Poncey Years
We’ve finished our film for this year’s film challenge! It’s called The Poncey Years, and involves a lot of manly things. Like hats, arms and big hair. Watch it below! Thanks to everyone who participated in this year’s film challenge! … Continue reading